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Real-Time Engagement

Your Construction Site Monitoring , Live and Accesible 24/7 from Anywhere in the world!

1. timelapse
weather data

Stay Connected

Stay Powerfully Connected to Your Project 24/7: Instantly Monitor Status, Weather, Deliveries, and More, From Anywhere

Share The View

Seamless Camera Access for Your Team and Clients

easy to use
interfaccia intuitiva per smartphone

All of your projects in the one place

Explore different real-time views of your construction projects with a simple tap. SnapAll’s intuitive interface allows you to easily switch between your projects directly from our dashboard

Wheather Data

Optimize weather and boost productivity at the click of a button: examines construction site weather conditions and assesses precipitation, thunderstorms or snowfall that could affect claims or liabilities. Also includes temperature, humidity and wind measurements


Get in Touch!

Create Anytime

Any IP Camera

Tel: +39 0376 1811478

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